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Innovation & Transformation

The creation of Top Church transformed the landscape of Dudley. Both its construction and recent conservation are marked by innovations in building.

Mysteries & Hidden Histories

We uncover stories of people who left their mark on Top Church - whether through myth and legend, or by way of literal marks.

Politics & Rebellion

The history of Top Church demonstrates the complex relationship of faith and politics, and the Biblical principle of speaking truth to power.

Story of the Community

The people of Top Church played a pivotal role in shaping Dudley's history, their actions reflecting broader societal changes over the centuries.

Core Information

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Watch Shirley’s interview


Events at Top Church

Want to arrange a tour of Top Church? Please reach out by contacting us today.

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Do you have a story or memory to share with our members about Top Church? please use the form below to submit your story and we’ll publish it on our site once reviewed.

Top Church Dudley (aka St Thomas and St Luke’s) is a thriving, inclusive Anglican Church. We are positioned at the top of the high street, at the highest geographical point for miles around and our heart is to serve the most vulnerable in our community and be a resource to other churches.

Our mission is for people in Dudley and beyond to experience ‘life in all its fullness’ as Jesus promised. Some churches have big bands for their worship, some have big stages for their preachers – at Top Church we hope for a bigger table, where all are welcomed in the name of Jesus.

Renewing Top Church for the People of Dudley

Top Church, St Thomas & St Luke’s, High Street, Dudley, DY1 1QD